The article deals with general characteristics of conceptual principles of vocational training of future physical culture teachers for organization of individual work with pupils. Given the specifics of pedagogy as a science, the pedagogical concept of vocational training of future physical culture teachers for organization of individual work with pupils, a complex, purposeful, dynamic system of fundamental knowledge about the pedagogical phenomenon, which fully and comprehensively reveals its essence, content, peculiarities, as well as the technology of its operation in modern education, has been defined. Structural imagination about the process of vocational training of future physical culture teachers for organization of individual work with pupils reflects directions of using basic principles of the concept and ensures its integrity, purposefulness and dynamism. The efficiency of implementation of the concept of vocational training of future physical culture teachers for organization of individual work with pupils depends on the precision of reproduction of its conceptual principles in educational process of the institutions of higher education. The concept of research contains a complex of key conceptual principles, which is considered as a combined, purposeful, dynamic set of theoretical- methodological and methodological-technological knowledge about theory and practice of vocational training of future physical culture teachers for organization of individual work with pupils, reflects the purpose, methods, means, scientific approaches, principles (general pedagogical and specific) and is based on the theoretical, methodological and practical concepts.
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