Article outlines methods of introduction of experimental system of vocational training of future physical culture teachers for organization of individual work with pupils. It has been underlined that introduction of the developed system provided for the reasonable selection, structuring and construction of the content of study material in selected disciplines taking into account a purposeful influence on the formation of each component of readiness of future physical culture teachers for organization of individual work with pupils. In the process of research and experimental work it was taking into account that under the selection and structuring of the content of academic disciplines should be understood: strict definition of structure elements that make up the discipline; applying the procedures of optimization for each of these structural elements; establishing and maintaining in optimal state connections and interrelations between elements of the structure of academic discipline in accordance to the integrative criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of its construction. Methodical peculiarities of introduction of the developed system have been outlined. Realization of experimental system of vocational training of future physical culture teachers for organization of individual work with pupils was carried out on the basis of a number of fundamental postulates – principles. Given the complexity and versatility of the process of vocational training of future physical culture teachers for organization of individual work with pupils, principles of research activities have been systematized into some complex. In particular, it was decided to structure the principles into three blocks, each of them regulates the experimental activity or specifies the logic of selection of the essence of certain elements of the author’s pedagogical system.
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