Keywords: mental development of teenagers, out-of-school education, general secondary education, interaction of educational institutions, aesthetic education


The aim of this paper is to prove: to determine the main periods of individual mental development of the individual and their criteria, which include characteristic for each age social situation of development, leading activities in its relationship with other activities. In our study – this is an aesthetic activity provided by effective aesthetic education of adolescents. The mental development of the body of adolescents occurs within a certain function of the psyche and is based on the mechanisms of maturation of the relevant physiological systems. This suggests that teenager is a transition between childhood and adulthood and it determines the uniqueness of the social situation of its development. In adolescence, there is a change in reference orientations. As a «significant teenager», he is looking for a reference group – a real or conditional community in which he can carry out acts of self-affirmation. There is a need for self-improvement, self-esteem, the need to «understand yourself». The teenager motives become more conscious, more fully and deeply experienced. The socialization occurs without any problems. We create a situation of acme success, which under the conditions of effective aesthetic activity provides aesthetic education of teenagers. The teenagers, performing any aesthetic activity and receiving certain information, socialize; develop in various ways and harmoniously.


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How to Cite
Sierykh, L., & Kamtoh, A. (2021). PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL FEATURES OF TEENAGERS IN THE CONTEXT OF AESTHETIC EDUCATION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 40(3), 164-170.