Keywords: environmental activities, in-class time, extracurricular activities, individual work, pedagogical practice


The article actualizes the problems of anthropogenic impact on the natural environment, determines the need not only to actively act for the nature protection, but also to form an ecologically appropriate behavior of the population, to develop a panoramic environmental outlook. International environmental agreements not only provide for effective steps in the environmental field, but also for progressive education and propaganda of environmental activities. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of training future teachers to organize environmental activities in the process of working with primary school students. In the article, we have revealed the main ways of forming the readiness of future teachers for environmental activities during their training in a higher educational institution, namely, during in-class time (lectures, practical, laboratory), extracurricular activities (club activities, environmental paths, environmental activities, relays, tournaments, boomerangs, quizzes, cruises of an environmental nature), individual work, and pedagogical practice. Special emphasis is placed on the forms that contribute to the formation of students' readiness for environmental activities, the use of various pedagogical technologies. We have given examples of various classes, presented our own experience of organizing club activities in the disciplines of the natural cycle, the ecological paths.


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How to Cite
Stakhova, I. (2021). MAIN WAYS OF FORMING THE READYNESS OF FUTURE TEACHERS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 40(3), 171-177.