The European integration processes that permeate the Ukrainian education system need to be strengthened through the implementation of the European experience. The use of European experience in the organization of theatrical activities in preparing students for raising children is meaningful and multifaceted in this context. Theatrical activity promotes the development of cognitive interests of future teachers, allows you to delve into the historical and social processes of writing a play, which expands the worldview, promotes self-realization, forms aesthetic tastes and preferences, stimulates thought processes, promotes self-affirmation in public life. Theatrical activity contributes to the rapid transformation of the student into appropriate images, which develops his creativity, imagination, fantasy, creates an environment of professional creative development. The use of European experience contributes to the formation of a set of European values, appropriate lifestyle, progressive thinking. In the article we drew attention to the use of theatrical activities in working with future teachers in Europe (France, Germany, Poland), the influence of the International Association of Theater and Education on student training and outlined the impact of European culture on the Ukrainian education system. The publication reveals the way to implement the Erasmus + Jean Monnet project "EU experience of soft skills development of preschool and primary school age children by theater activities in teacher training". The aim of the project is to provide theoretical and practical training of future educators and primary school teachers to use theatrical activities to develop soft skills of different categories of children and the meaningful organization of their leisure activities based on the experience of Western European pedagogical concepts. We revealed the content of preparing students to use the European experience of organizing theatrical activities in the upbringing of children, presented their creative work, theatrical reincarnations. We have singled out a set of recommendations for teachers of higher education institutions regarding the use of dramatization games and dramatizations in the educational process, which allow to practice behavioral skills in different social situations and gain relevant experience. We paid attention to the promotion of European classical literature, acquaintance with foreign sites and work with them, the creation of various types of theaters (finger theater, soft toy theater, table theater, shadow theater, nature theater, open-air theater) based on European playwrights , the use of Scrum technology in the training of future teachers.
2. Erasmus + National Office of Ukraine. URL:
3. EU experience of soft skills development of preschool and primary school age children by theater activities in teacher training. URL: 4. International Drama. URL: internationaldramatheatre-and-education-association/
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