Keywords: safety culture, International Labor Organization, occupational safety and health, training of specialists on occupational safety and health


The article provides a theoretical analysis of international documents regarding the origin and formation of the definition of “safety culture”. It was found that the concept under study was first defined by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The main international aspects of using the concept of “safety culture” are considered such as: organizational culture, harmonized safety culture. It was revealed that later the term “safety culture” began to appear in the documents of the International Labor Organization and was subsequently transformed into the culture of preventive measures in labor protection, the culture of occupational safety and health prevention. The work uses theoretical research methods such as: analysis, systematization and generalization of international documents, regulatory environment and scientific publications, classification, comparison, comparative analysis. It is concluded that it is necessary to conduct research related to the formation of safety culture among specialists in the field of occupational safety and health. The research results can be used as a theoretical basis for the development of conceptual provisions of safety culture formation.


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How to Cite
Abiltarova, E., & Krzymowski, A. (2021). SAFETY CULTURE: THE INTERNATIONAL ASPECT. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 42(5), 61-65.