Keywords: prisoners; captives; forced isolation; behavior regulation; rationalization; psychological treatment; collaboration


The article examines the psychological features of humans entering and the subsequent stay in a hostile environment and its consequences. We made the analysis of psychological factors influencing the behavior of a soldier in captivity. The genesis of captivity was analyzed, and the mechanisms of destructive psychological influence of captors on persons who were captured were investigated. The results of the research allow forming a holistic view of the psychological factors that affect military personnel from the moment of capture to the moment of their release. Activities of international humanitarian organizations and missions, does not fully protect prisoners of war from violence. The state of constant mental stress reduces the inner life of the individual to a primitive level. It was found that the events of the captivity were extreme. They go beyond the usual human experiences and cause intense fear for their lives, as well as create feelings of helplessness. Preparations for possible capture are mandatory for all servicemen. Post-captive reintegration will help to restore mental health and return the person to a full life and performance of duties. We identified the factors that help to endure conditions of the forced isolation with minimal loss to the physical and mental health.


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How to Cite
Apalkov, V. (2021). THE ARMY BEHIND BARBED WIRE. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF BEHAVIOR IN CAPTIVITY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 42(5), 134-141.