The subsystem of the linguistic cultural constants formed at the early stages of the ethnic genesis and correlated with the subsystem of the ethnos’ moral and ethical values expressed by linguistic means, represents the basis of each idioethnical linguistic system, since it reflects the existential perception of the world and oneself in it as an individual linguistic personality and the community of individuals as a whole. The formal and semantic structural plans of the basic constants, expressed by linguistic units of the ancient Indo-European origin, are associated with Indo-European roots. It is the ancient Indo-European root (the first root) of a linguistic unit of the lexical level as a component of a textual construction that often acts as an etymon (archetype) in the etymological reconstruction of a lexical unit. In turn, the primary meaning of the Indo-European root (the formal-semantic basis of the lingual cultural constant) necessarily correlates with the ancient sacred symbol-image that exists in the collective-individual consciousness of the ethnos, possibly from the pre-literary period, sacred for the ethnos, sometimes with several symbol-images forming a semiotic sacred-mythological linguistic subsystem. The subsystem of the linguistic cultural constants characterizing an ethnos contains information on its ontological peculiarities: its language system and its cultural profile as a set of the linguistic unity, the type of thinking and the nature of textual information perception. Consequently, the social dynamics of the linguistic cultural constants, represented by the translated Typical, or Statutory canonical Christian texts in the Slavic Liturgical discourse of the Kiev Russian at the end of the tenth century determines the specific stability of the purposeful verbal impact as the content of the Slavic-speaking communicative process that took place during the Christianization of the society of Kievan state.
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