The present paper establishes the possibility of presenting the mental lexicon of a technical translator in the form of a classification frame that structures the terminological composition of scientific and technical language in the translation consciousness during the cognition of aviation reality. It is stated that the terms, which are the main means of fixation, accumulation and transfer of scientific knowledge, become the object of cognitive activity of the translator, who performs cognitive work on their accumulation and structuring in their own mental space to operate them during translation, which emphasizes the heuristic nature translation activities. At the same time, the linguistic component of the mental lexicon allows us to consider its structure, starting from the language itself. The paper attempts to present a mental lexicon within the framework of scientific and technical translation in the form of a set of frames that arrange the terminological structure of language in the mind of the translator as they learn the aviation reality. It is noted that in this case the main task is to show the possibilities of the frame in terms of accumulating and structuring the verbal knowledge about a particular aviation phenomenon or process, in English and Ukrainian with simultaneous identification of interlanguage equivalents.
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