Keywords: kidney diseases, pregnancy, retrospective analysis


The aim of the study was to determine the maternal factors of perinatal complications in women with diseases of the urinary system. A group of women with pathology of the urinary system were studied during the course and completion of pregnancy. The complications in childbirth condition of newborns in comparison with similar indicators in healthy women were also assessed. It was found that most women with urinary tract pathology that were pregnant again, had complications of somatic (most often a combination of urinary tract pathology and chronic infectious diseases) and reproductive history (most often – miscarriages). Women with complications during pregnancy, pyelonephritis, anemia, and the threat of abortion were significantly more often registered in the main group (p<0.05). Women in the main group were significantly more likely to have premature births: 15.4% of women with acute pyelonephritis and 46.2% of women with chronic pyelonephritis, while all women in the control group gave birth on time (P<0.05). Significantly more women in the main group had complications in childbirth: most often – weakness of labor – I group 8 (6.2%), II – 9 (6.9%). Termination of pregnancy in the vast majority of women in the main group was physiological, cesarean delivery was completed in 3 (2.3%) women in group I and 10 (7.7%) women in group II. All women in the control group had timely, physiological births. The condition of newborns of mothers with pathology of the urinary system was often disturbed. A significant proportion of children from the main group (I – 5.4%, II – 10.0%) required immediate resuscitation measures at birth and their transfer to specialized departments for further treatment.


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How to Cite
Melenchuk, L., & Sharhorodska, Y. (2021). MATERNAL RISK FACTORS OF PERINATAL WOMEN COMPLICATIONS WITH THE URINARY SYSTEM DISEASES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 43(6), 269-278.