The aim of the study was to analyse the reproductive function of women with miscarriages among the population of Lviv region. The data of the results of medical and genetic counseling of 120 women with miscarriages who visited the medical and genetic center and the “Institute of Hereditary Pathology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” were analyzed. The obtained indicators were compared with similar parameters of the control group: 80 healthy women who asked for family planning consultation. A group of women with miscarriage was formed to study the features of menstrual function, somatic, reproductive and gynecological history in comparison with similar indicators in healthy women. It was found that the majority of women (47 (39.2%) with miscarriages were aged 31–15 years and 74 (61.6%) of women by social status were employees. 52 (48.0%) women of the main group had the onset of menarche significantly later – after 15 years old, in 25 (20.8%) of them the duration of the menstrual cycle was 28–85 days and in 11 (9.1%) – 35–55 days (p < 0.05). Women with miscarriages were significantly more likely to have a complicated somatic history and these are 86 (71.7%), mainly due to pathology of the cardiovascular system – 27 (22.5%), against 43 (53.75%) and 9 (11, 2%) (p <0.05), respectively. All of them 120 (100.0%) had significantly more frequent complications of reproductive and gynecological history due to miscarriages and stillbirths. In the control group this figure was 11 (13.7%) and 19 (23.8%) respectively (p<0.05).
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