Keywords: foreign trade relations, world economy, export, balance of payments, economic interests, foreign markets, economic growth


The paper is devoted to identifying key challenges for the Ukrainian economy related to the need to intensify foreign trade. The aim of this paper is to identify trends in foreign trade relations of Ukraine. The dynamics and main structural shifts in Ukraine 's foreign trade are analyzed. The modern stage of development of world economic relations dynamism, liberalization, diversification of forms and types of foreign economic activity are characterized. In 2019-2021, in the frames of the processes of reforming Ukraine's economy, increasing the level of competitiveness and investment attractiveness, Ukraine is projected to achieve a higher level of financial globalization compared to previous years, which will have a positive impact on the balance of payments. The objective nature of asymmetries of Ukraine’s foreign trade interests is revealed. Peculiarities and priority directions of development of foreign trade interests of Ukraine are determined. Methods of dialectical logic and general system principles of conducting scientific researches, fundamental provisions of economic theory, laws of functioning of market economy are used for the decision of the set tasks in the paper.


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How to Cite
Kyredon, D., & Shtepa, O. (2021). TRENDS AND FORECAST OF UKRAINIAN FOREIGN TRADE RELATIONS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 44(1), 187-195.