Keywords: labor efficiency, decent work, needs, interests, motives, incentives, work results, labor behavior


The problems of staff motivation are considered in the paper. Motivation is a process of influencing the human worker occupies an important place in the system of enterprise management, personnel management, and labor management.

The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the need to motivate employees to work effectively, using a systematic approach to the choice of tools to influence the person as a subject of labor.

The essence of motivation is defined as a set of motivating reasons, factors under the influence of which the employee acts in a particular situation. The role of needs, interests, values , and motives in creating the conditions for effective work, which necessarily includes the quality of work, is substantiated. Moreover, in modern conditions, effective quality work is decent work. The main approaches to the definition of “motivation” are given and the essence of the material and intangible motivation in the enterprise is revealed. The necessity of a systematic approach to the formation of types of motivation, needs, motives, incentives, a modern worker who seeks not only material prosperity but wants to engage in interesting, meaningful work, to enjoy it. Characterizing the basic theories of motivation, the authors substantiate the possibility of their use in practice to create conditions for effective work in the enterprise. Motivation is seen as a factor of work efficiency.


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How to Cite
Moroz, V., & Shtepa, O. (2021). MOTIVATION AS A DETERMINANT FACTOR IN PERFORMANCE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 44(1), 284-289.