This study examines the works of fine arts of Bukovinian artists, which contain the plot lines, pictorial elements or principles of composition inherent to the works of Renaissance artists. Peculiarities of transformation in painting and graphics of Bukovinian authors of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century of motives and stylistic features of the Renaissance are analyzed. The analysis of the impact of the European visual culture of the 15th–16th centuries allowed tracing the presence of diverse variants and levels of comprehension and application of both the individual elements and the inherent to the aforementioned period the composition-solving principles by numerous authors. The worldview and themes of not only the masters of the Italian Renaissance, but also of the Northern Renaissance, the graphic and painting heritage of artists of the Netherlands and Germany of the end of the 15th-16th centuries, in particular, became the starting point for Chernivtsi artists. In the works one can observe the quoting of certain motives, usage of iconographic schemes, as well as completely different reading of well-known plots, modern interpretation and addition to the latter of new symbols and features of the art of later times.
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