At the current stage of Ukrainian state integration into European community, country leaders face new challenges that require efficiency improvement of public management and public administration based on democracy and human-centeredness.
Urgency of public leadership development in Ukraine is closely related to the foreign countries’ experience study on the mechanisms of formation and development of public leadership, characterized by a high level of moral values, responsibility, communication, modesty. The new management paradigm, being implemented in public administration and public management in Ukraine, also requires introduction of new qualities in public leadership, manifested through establishment of moral values in the leader's personality, leader’s behavior in public service reform. According to the author, such qualities of leadership as delegation of powers in public authorities, intersectoral cooperation in public administration determine development of leadership in the context of educational trends in foreign countries.
The author believes that today an important aspect in the development of public leadership is the mobilization aspect of the efforts of all leaders and subordinates of public authorities and leaders of civil society institutions to overcome crises and do complex reforms in public administration. Such crises include ensuring stability in global fight against the GOVID-19 pandemic. However, problem of public leadership development in this aspect has not been properly reflected in modern scientific sources.
The article reveals priority models of public leadership of Western Scandinavian countries as a prerequisite for formation of successful personality, successful leadership qualities, the trend of which is such an important factor as publicity, because before the 90s of the twentieth century not all government officials in European countries were public.
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