The article presents an analysis of the incidence of mental disorders in Ukraine and European countries, describes the WHO action plans for the mental health of the planet, and ways to overcome the incidence of mental and behavioral disorders. The complication of deinstitutionalization (reduction of psychiatric hospitals and reduction of days in them) in European countries and the creation of new institutions, conditions of stay in a nearby “therapeutic/healing environment”, which return about 90% of patients to independent living in the community. In Ukraine, the process of deinstitutionalization reduced psychiatric facilities by 34.7% but, no new premises have been building, and the old premises of psychiatric hospitals, which have been building from 1786 to 2013, were not reconstructed according to the old sanitary and hygienic requirements – the socalled “corridor system”, which did not take into account the comfort for mentally ill patients, but only stay/treatment for a long time up to 53 days (up to 33 days in the Ministry of Health) for 20 days in European countries. With an increased incidence of mental disorders in Ukraine (2015) by 9.4% compared to European countries – 3.8% of the total population, the staff decreased to 21.4% for the period 2010/2017. In Ukraine, which leads to the use of existing hospitals with their overcapacity and higher workload of health workers, and conditions for both the mentally ill and medical staff have not improved.
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