Keywords: women's political participation, women's participation in decision-making, UAE policies and governance, China policies and governance, international standards


The article analyzed the political participation of women in the context of politics and governance in the UAE and China. A comparative analysis of women's political participation in the context of politics and governance in the UAE and China based on data analysis: official state information sources of these countries and reports of international monitoring missions, women's rights organizations, impartial scientists and researchers on women's rights, gender equality, women's representation in politics and government, their political participation. The author's hypothesis was confirmed: women are presented in state institutions in public positions, but they are not represented in local governments (they are not accepted in society itself), the real women's political participation and representation of women in politics and government of UAE and China is unsatisfactory, and the states deliberately produces false information about the situation regarding women's rights and gender equality.


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How to Cite
Levchenko, Y. (2022). WOMEN’S PARTICIPATION IN POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT: THE EXPERIENCE OF THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AND OF CHINA. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 48(5), 112-117. https://doi.org/10.23856/4814