Keywords: communication, types of communication, digitalization, influence, responsibility


The aim of this paper is to describe two different categories: the teacher discourse and neuroethical principles. New reality of life and general digitalization brings new opportunity not only to students to study any course but also it brings ability to the teachers to worldwide their lessons. Therefore, it faces new challenges and imposes great responsibility for teachers. We all should to find out the new ethical principles. The teachers’ discourse refers to a type of communication that presupposes professional communication between persons belonging to the same group in a professional institution, in the center of which is the discursive activity of representatives of the scientific community, which ensures the embodiment of their intentions and the achievement of a perlocutionary effect. With the aim of transferring professional knowledge and for the intellectual and emotional impact on the addressee, where his essential characteristics reflect the general human, ethnic and interpersonal properties inherent in society and the scientific continuum, implemented within the framework of a social institution. Methods used in the study: general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), methods of theoretical research (from abstract to concrete), the method of description.


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How to Cite
Truba, H. (2022). TEACHERS’ DISCOURSE: NEUROETHICAL PRINCIPLES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 49(6), 85-91. https://doi.org/10.23856/4911