The article reveals the question of the introduction of a personality-oriented approach to the education system of France, higher education system in particular. It has been proven that it has been a part of the state educational policy since 1989. Due to the practical implementation of the personality-oriented approach, the learning process was considered as a project and activity of a dynamic and fully involved individual in the process of its development in accordance with its individual needs. It has been proven that the personality-oriented approach in the system of higher education involves the development of differentiation and personalisation of the learning process. Differentiation in education is realised by dividing the content of training into simple segments (modules), which are adapted to the already acquired knowledge of students or fill in the gaps of the subject. The purpose of personalisation is to help the student to determine his / her existing knowledge and make his / her own choice, i.e., to develop his / her own educational project. We have found out that the concept of project, personal and professional at the same time, is dominant in this model of learning. It has been confirmed that personality-oriented learning in modern France is more of a training. The methodologist plays the role of a “coach” who observes, outlines ways, directs the mental processes of the pupil / student.
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