Keywords: communicative culture, international communication, higher education institutions, pedagogical aspect, students


The pedagogical aspect of students’ communicative culture in the conditions of international communication is investigated in the paper. The interpretation of the essence of the categories “culture”, “language”, “language personality”, “culture in the conditions of international communication” and “pedagogical aspect of communicative culture of students in the conditions of international communication” is analyzed in the paper. It is established that the main task of the lecturer in the organization of communicative culture of students in the conditions of international communication is the formation of communicative-dialogue space. It is determined that the pedagogical aspect of students’ communicative culture in the conditions of international communication distinguishes two interrelated components, such as general and personal principles of communication. The structure and the main functions of the communicative culture of students in the conditions of international communication and the connection of the subjects of communication for the development of the competitiveness of the higher education institution are analyzed in the paper. It is established that the most significant for the pedagogical aspect of communicative culture of students in the conditions of international communication are personal indicators in individual-personal, in communicative, in socio-psychological and in moral-political plans. It is established that scientists distinguish three components of students’ communicative culture in the conditions of international communication that are cognitive, aesthetic and behavioral components. It is determined that for the formation of communicative culture of students in the conditions of international communication it is necessary to form in students: the respect for other peoples and cultures; to teach to respect any person, representative of another socio-cultural group; to stimulate the desire to learn about different cultures; to form tolerance for ethnic cultures. It is determined that in order for the communicative culture of students in the conditions of international communication to be successful, the lecturer must have not only certain personal qualities, but also professionally significant ones. It is established that special exercises for the development of international communication skills should be used in the educational process.


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How to Cite
Kozak, A., & Malyk, V. (2022). STUDENTS COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE IN INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION: PEDAGOGICAL ASPECT. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 50(1), 76-86.