Keywords: state policy, state policy in the field of health care, health care, health care system, health care reform


The current state of health care in Ukraine is characterized by low efficiency of available logistical using and human resources, slow pace of change in the introduction of innovative diagnostic methods and technologies and lack of understanding of the implementation of standards and indicators of quality and effective management of health services. The goals of health care are to improve health and meet the needs of consumers. The state of the population health depends not only on the provided medical services, but to a large extent on other factors, including the state of the environment, individual heredity, behavioral risk factors, socio-economic status of society and the state of the health care system (Obolenskyi O.Iu., 2007:191). Health care activities should be based on the end results, namely: improving the health of the population; cost and quality of medical services, their availability; fairness and efficiency in the provision of medical services; the effectiveness of mechanisms to protect citizens from financial risk in case of disease (Surmin Yu. P. 2006:307) The authors emphasize the unity of the approach to health care reform in Ukraine at all levels of departmental and national medicine. The study highlights the causes, conditions of formation and functioning of departmental medicine in Ukraine and around the world. The article uses methods of generalization and systematization, grouping and comparison, classification and analogy and systems analysis, as well as the dialectical method and the method of forecasting. The authors analyze the state of health care reform over the past 10 years in countries with high (Britain, France, USA) and low economies (India), with ongoing military conflicts (Israel), with high life expectancy (Italy), with transition economy (Croatia) and in the post-Soviet countries that joined the European Union (Lithuania). The study focuses on the rating indicators of gross domestic product (GDP) and life expectancy, according to analytical reports of international organizations WHO, OECD, International Commonwealth Fund and others.


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How to Cite
Sukhanova, Y., & Kryzyna, N. (2022). ANALYSIS OF STATE GOVERNANCE IN THE FIELD OF HEALTHCARE IN UKRAINE AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 50(1), 215-224.