Keywords: state governance, departmental medicine, state governance of health care


The article is devoted to the study of the categorical-conceptual apparatus of state governance in the field of health care and departmental medicine in Ukraine. The article highlights the definitions, principles of functioning of the health care sector, state governance of the health care sector and state governance of departmental medicine, which is a functional entity that is able to unify approaches to medical care, its availability and quality. The study of the problem of state governance of departmental medicine in Ukraine in wartime necessitated the analysis of scientific interpretations of the basic concepts: “medicine”, ”departmental medicine”, ”health care», «state governance”, “state governancein the field of health care “I”. The current state of the medical industry in Ukraine is characterized by low efficiency of available financial and economic, logistical and human resources, slow pace of change in the implementation of innovative diagnostic methods and technologies and lack of understanding of standards and indicators of quality and management in providing medical services to all patients. departmental health care. The Sustainable Development Strategy “Ukraine – 2030” envisages the implementation of reforms and programs of state development and reform of the health care system: creation of a patient-oriented system capable of providing medical care for all citizens of Ukraine at the level of developed European countries; increasing the personal responsibility of citizens for their own health (Strategy-of-sustainable-development-of-Ukraine-until-2030, 2017). Which prompted the study of the problem of state governance of Ukrainians departmental medicine.


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How to Cite
Sukhanova, Y., & Kryzyna, N. (2022). BASIC CONCEPTS OF STATE GOVERNANCE OF DEPARTMENTAL MEDICINE IN UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 52(3), 189-195.