The issue analyzes the subject matter of modern tools represented by “blended learning” in the process of future foreign language teachers’ training in Ukraine. The authors analyze the benefits of the model “blended learning” implementation and the balance between virtual and face-to-face learning in the process of contemporary foreign language teacher’s training. Two approaches to the definition of the concept “blended learning” are distinguished in higher education. The first approach is based on the introduction of distance courses with active learning methods. The second approach considers the usage of up-to-date virtual technologies in education. The article questions that the main purpose of using “blended learning” in the process of foreign language teachers’ training is to combine the methods of face-to-face and distance learning that promotes active social interaction of students and their immersion into multimedia content. The authors conclude that syllabuses in “blended learning” are to be worked out and compiled for particular courses in the way the developers can choose optimal combination of a large number of formal and informal, face-to-face and distance learning options.
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