Keywords: regulatory legal relationship, term of substantive law implementation.


The paper provides a general description of the relationship regulated by law as a condition of movement and a way of concretizing relations in society. The thesis is defended, according to which a significant role belongs to the legal relationship and in the concretization of the duration of the social relations regulated by it. The content of civil relations in the regulatory state is studied in detail. It is established that the subjective right, which belongs to its holder, must correspond to the specific obligation of the obligated person. It is proved that the content of the possible behavior of the right holder is manifested both through domination over the debtor by demanding certain of his behavior, and through the own active behavior of the commissioner. As a result, legal relationships create specific social opportunities for legal entities to meet certain needs, either through their own actions or those of others. This is confirmed by the analysis of temporal factors inherent in the subjective substantive law of the individual. Proper regulation in this area is to ensure that the authorized person has a real opportunity to exercise his subjective right within an adequate and appropriate period. If the duration of the subjective right is not explicitly stated, reasonableness criteria should be used to calculate the duration or exercise of a particular subjective right. The interrelation of the subjective substantive law of its bearer with the legal obligation of the obligated person is the main purpose and role of the legal relationship. Subjective law must be exercised during the time during which it exists. Exercising outside the law is not an abuse (because the law no longer exists), but a habitual civil offense.


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How to Cite
Guyvan, P. (2022). ESSENTIAL AND TEMPORAL DIMENSIONS OF THE MATERIAL LEGAL RELATIONSHIP. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 51(2), 220-231.