This scientific work is devoted to the study of the topical issue of the legal nature of such a legal parameter as civil law terms in their relation to legal facts – significant external phenomena in relation to subjective law, which entail the occurrence, change or termination of relevant substantive rights and obligations. languages. In the course of work on the article the author used general scientific and special scientific methods of cognition, in particular formallegal, analysis and synthesis, system-structural, comparative-legal. The paper studies the social relations that develop in the field of temporal regulation of subjective law during its existence in unity and interconnection, as well as considers the dynamics of legal science in the field. The falsity of the scientific thesis on the identification of terms with legal facts, ie external factors influencing the content of law, has been established. On the contrary, as established, the civil term is an intrinsic feature of it, an element of the content of law. In other words, the term determines the time limits of subjective law. That is, the term is not a cause but a consequence of the acquisition (change) of the parties to civil relations of a specific legal status. This concept allows us to consider temporal factors as elements of subjective substantive law and legal relations in general and to determine their place in the system of regulatory mechanism of civil law. The end of the temporal boundaries of subjective law has the same consequences as the completion (exhaustion) of its physical features. Therefore, the circumstance of the expiration of the term, as well as the exhaustion of the physical characteristics of the right, does not cause its termination, but is the same consequence of the legal fact (conclusion of the contract).
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