Keywords: “Alien”, Armenian, artifact, Bakhtin M., colony, ethnos, diasporian community, dissipative system, Heidegger M.


The purpose of this article is to justify the necessary of the complex approach to study of the diasporian culture. It is shows that the culture of diaspora usually don`t considered as the original autonomous phenomenon, but only as a small separate marginal part of the native culture. This point of view bases on the outdated ansystem inefficient paradigm of so-called "Island" anthropology. One of the most effective approaches to understanding the essence of culture is theory of dissipative systems. The fact that the theory of dissipative systems not only explains but also proves the naturalness and regularity of the appearance of various branches/ directions of any culture is one of its most important results. Study of the diaspora culture that has been existed during the centuries in another country, it should include research on the entire material sphere of its life, all the artifacts created by its representatives. It is proves the expedience to use iconological method, the approaches of the Actor-Network theory (ANT) and the “Philosophy from below” in this contex. The ANT considers artifacts as active units/ actors of social relations, which make up “sociality”, as well as the principles of "Philosophy from below".


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How to Cite
Haiuk, I. (2022). DIASPORA CULTURE: THE MAIN METHODOLOGICAL AND TERMINOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF CULTURE LOGICAL COMPREHENSION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 52(3), 49-59. https://doi.org/10.23856/5206