The aim of this article is to study the structure of organizational commitment as well as the psychological and behavioral mechanisms behind it among groups of military and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Based on the assertion that the army has an authoritarian (directive) style of management characterized by principles of unity of command and high centralization of leadership, in this work with the purpose of getting the sincere answers and reliable results the preference was given to the psycholinguistic method of research, namely, free association experiment. The results of the study proved that there are significant differences in the structure of organizational commitment when it comes to the position of individuals in the military hierarchy, that is, whether they hold a military/civilian position or are just beginning their military career as cadets. Dominant element in the structure of organizational commitment of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is affective commitment, in relation to servicemen it is continuance commitment, in relation to cadets it is normative commitment.
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