The article contains a description of the technological process in which the spheronizer is located on the basis of the extruder-spheronizer, its purpose and place in the technological scheme are considered. The study presents technical characteristics, considered the design and principle of action of the unit for spheronization, performed certain calculations that confirm the efficiency and reliability of the machine. The purpose of this article is to consider the spheronizer with the study of the dynamic characteristics of the granules. The spheronizer extruder, or spheronizer, is widely used in the granulation of spherical parts and granules. The working material for the spheronizer is non-spheroidal solid particles that turn into spheroids during the spheronization process. To optimize the production of spherical particles in a spheronizer, it is necessary to know all the intricacies of this process, therefore, in this work, the stress-strained state of extrudates, which undergo certain changes during the spheronization process, is investigated using the "finite element" method. The research is based on actual data obtained by different scientists, and on the results of the authors' own observations.
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