Keywords: price, real estate, assessment, factors. technique, method of least squares


This study is devoted to the issue of determining the price of a real estate object based on the use of statistical market evaluations of similar objects. In the course of the research, a technique for determining the price of a real estate object was developed using parametric equations of the least squares method, which allows using an unlimited amount of input information and obtaining equalized values of price-forming factors. In contrast to the existing methods of the comparative approach to determining the price of the object of assessment, the proposed method allows you to obtain the value of the price-forming factors, and then the price of the object without establishing the difference between the factors influencing the price, as is the case with the classical approach of processing the input database. Approbation of the developed methodology showed the effectiveness of the possibility of its application in practice.


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How to Cite
Perovych, I., & Perovych, L. (2024). MODERNIZATION OF REAL ESTATE VALUАTION METHODOLOGY BY COMPARATIVE METHOD. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 63(2), 183-188.