Słowa kluczowe: public control; relapse; penitentiary crime; the scope of execution of punishments; prevention; execution process – serving sentences; imprisonment


This scientific article analyzes the potential social and legal possibilities of public control in the preventive sphere of activity related to the prevention of the commission of recidivist criminal acts by those sentenced to deprivation of liberty in the process of execution. In addition, based on the results of the research and the problems identified in this regard, scientifically based ways of their elimination and improvement of the existing legal mechanism of public control in the sphere of execution of punishments of Ukraine have been developed. In particular, it was found that the administration of bodies and institutions for the execution of punishments, guided by the principle of non-interference of the public in their operational and service activities, create various artificial obstacles to objective social monitoring on issues of prevention of crimes by convicts in closed penal institutions, the exclusive list of which is fixed in the law, new (recidivist) criminal offenses. It was also established that from the time of Ukraine's independence (from 1991) to the present (2022) at the official level, it is stated that recurrent crime, including its penitentiary component, is one of the real threats to national security. Moreover, the specified determinant has an extremely negative effect on the effectiveness of the execution process - the serving of punishments, as well as on the implementation of the goals and objectives of the criminal enforcement legislation of Ukraine defined in the law.

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