Słowa kluczowe: digital tools, blended learning, informatization, students, telecommunications, institutions of professional higher education


The article is devoted to the issue of organizing educational activities in the conditions of blended learning for future telecommunications specialists in teaching the disciplines “Switching and Information Distribution Systems” and “Telecommunication and Information Networks”. Due to the pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, distance and blended learning has become one of the leading trends in education, providing continuous and high-quality education. The author analyzed the experience of Ukrainian researchers in the use of blended learning and ICT tools in higher education institutions. The author describes digital tools and learning platforms used by teachers in the disciplines “Switching and Information Distribution Systems” and “Telecommunication and Information Networks” at the Kyiv Professional College of Communications. The materials in the areas of study of future telecommunications specialists are described in detail. The advantages of using the workbook in teaching the discipline “Telecommunication and Information Networks” are presented. As a result of the survey, which was attended by 50 students majoring in Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, the following advantages of blended learning were identified: flexibility of the process; increased academic performance of students; gaining knowledge in different ways; combination of distance and traditional learning. In an open question, students were asked to indicate what, in their opinion, needs to be changed or improved to improve the blended learning process; the answers were analyzed by the author and singled out into separate positions.

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