Based on the analysis of materials it was revealed that during a significant period of time in the United States the main goal of children with limited capabilities was to gain access to proper general education. Due to the active movement of civil rights for all citizens of the United States the U.S. government adopted a number of legislative acts that could access students with special educational needs to general education. A large number of students who needed special educational conditions provoked a deep rethinking of the training process that could professionally provide necessary training. By analyzing, it was revealed that the training of a teacher of special education involves producing information about the development of students with special educational needs and methods of their correction during learning and education. For this reason, all special education training programs are generally included following subjects relating to applied behavior analysis, mental disorder practice, auxiliary technologies, ways to eliminate language learning, educating pupils with autism or deep mental disorders, typical and atypical early child development, etc. However, it was revealed that every University has certain variations on initial requirements for the introduction, methods of teaching, training duration, internship passage, obtaining the final document and so on.
Wykaz bibliografii
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