• Yaroslav Starushchenko
Słowa kluczowe: civil service, civil servant culture, professional training, retraining system of professional development, civil service ethics


The author researched that, to date, the culture of a civil servant in our country is a system of values, knowledge, skills, and behavioral models that determines the work style and ethical standards of civil servants. It is noted that it covers both personal and professional qualities of the employee, including his knowledge, skills, ethics, relations with the public, behavior in work situations and ability to work in a team. It has been studied that one of the most important components of the civil servant's culture is ethics. Civil servants must be guided by ethical principles in their work, such as the principles of trust, transparency, openness, responsibility, and others. Adherence to these principles contributes to the formation of trust in the state authorities and ensuring the effective work of the civil service. It was found that the culture of a civil servant also includes the skills and knowledge necessary for the performance of professional duties. Civil servants must have a sufficient level of knowledge in various fields relevant to their work, as well as have the skills and abilities necessary to perform various types of activities, including analysis, strategy development, resource management, monitoring and control. It was determined that professional training and retraining of civil servants is one of the key mechanisms of civil servant culture formation. In Ukraine, this process takes place through the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, regional centers of public administration and other institutions that provide professional training and retraining of civil servants.

Wykaz bibliografii

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