Słowa kluczowe: children with special educational needs, strategic directions in education, advanced modification of educational content, formation of professional competence of specialists.


The study is devoted to one of the most pressing problems of training personnel of educational institutions with inclusive education. In particular, the methodology of personnel training (methodological, synergistic, optimization of the educational process, selection of training content) is considered. Methodological approaches are highlighted as leading in the professional training of a special student-centered educational institution with inclusive education. The key concept of "system" is considered as an integral complex of elements interconnected in such a way that when one changes, the others change as well. Based on the new conceptual foundations of the modern social development, the ways of reforming the education system are outlined. The introduction of courses aimed at acquiring new professional skills and changing attitudes towards children with special educational needs is identified. The focus is on the initial ideas of the concept of training multidisciplinary specialists and outlines methodological approaches: axiological, systemic, integrative, student-centered to the training of special education specialists to work in an inclusive educational space, which determines the overall scientific strategy. The factors influencing the formation and development of inclusive education in Ukraine are described. The problems of special professional training of highly qualified teachers of inclusive education are covered in detail. Particular attention is paid to the importance of improving the system of the training of special education specialists. It is summarized that modern educational reforms require a change in approaches to the organization of the content of the inclusive education.

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