Słowa kluczowe: children with disabilities, cerebral palsy, central nervous system disorders.


In the study, data from the state statistical reporting forms ‘Report on Children with Disabilities Aged 0-18 for the Years 2010-2022’ were analyzed using the statistical analysis of medical data. The disability analysis was conducted using absolute values and widely accepted intensive measures (the rate of first-time and overall disability per 10,000 of child population aged 0-17 inclusive) as well as extensive measures (the structure of first-time and overall disability by causes). The disability of children due to nervous system disorders (NSDs) represents a significant medical, social, and economic problem. Disorders of the central nervous system cause every seventh case of disability in children in Ukraine and rank third in terms of prevalence (with a relative weight of 14.7% in 2022) among all causes of childhood disability. Approximately half of all cases of disability due to NSDs (48.5% in 2022) are associated with cerebral palsy (CP). Among children newly recognized as disabled individuals, CP is the cause of disability in almost every fourth case (27.7% in 2022). The obtained data on the rate of firsttime and overall disability among children with NSDs will contribute to the development of an optimized model of rehabilitation assistance for children with this pathology and the implementation of modern rehabilitation technologies.

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