This article explores the complexities surrounding the modern understanding of the forms and methods of state control in economic activities. It sheds light on the diversity of viewpoints within the scholarly community concerning the interpretation of "form" and "method" in legal terminology, which leads to varied definitions and understandings of how control is implemented through these concepts. The paper notes the presence of two traditional frameworks for distinguishing between forms and methods in scientific discourse, arguing that compiling a comprehensive catalog of forms or methods of control is unfeasible for large-scale systems, such as state oversight in economic matters. It underscores the challenge of delineating the variety of forms and methods of state control and calls for a focused examination of the interplay between these concepts in economic regulation by detailing their key attributes, interactions, and by highlighting the fundamental forms and methods necessary for effective control. The author introduces a novel perspective on the "form" and "method" categories of state control in economic activities, suggesting a fresh approach to organizing these methods.
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