This article is an attempt to explore the possibility of learning a foreign language from the point of view of an informal approach for people who are under conditions of varying degrees of complexity, from forced migration to financial insecurity. The main problem of the research, which should be solved, is in the internal contour of overcoming internal psychological barriers and financial inability, in the external overcoming of bureaucratic barriers in the form of requirements for formal adaptation outside one's country with the minimum level of language knowledge, formal education system, various programs and resources on a paid and a free basis. It is the search for a spot that will open a universal opportunity for a large category of people or, in a broader sense, a comprehensive approach with scientific justification of its main principles. To define the workspace as an ideal field, one can rely on Foucault's philosophy of transgression and Kuhn's multiparadigmatic approach, because the problem requires going beyond the formal rules of existing and realized experience.
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