The paper focuses on the semantic derivation models of irrational vocabulary – a semantic class of words that denote the situation of experience that is not based on logical reasons or rational thinking. The study elaborates on the semantic derivation strategies of irrational verbs, adjectives and nouns in the Ukrainian, English and German languages. The modelling of semantic derivation strategies provided in the paper proceeds from the assumption that the development of an irrational vocabulary paradigm is realised based on a prototypical situation model – a construct that characterizes not only the nature of the source and target meanings but also the ways those meanings are connected. We posit two constituents to underlie the prototypical model of irrational situation – the features of irrational situation participants and those of irrational situation itself. Both characteristics determine the nature of semantics shift strategies, among those are argument, componential, implicative and metaphorical ones. The argument strategy provides for promoting and demoting arguments within the same actantial structure set by a predicate. The componential strategy deals with the semantic transformations, resulting in a new concept of situation (whereas a target meaning borrows some components from a source one). The implicative strategy occurs based on a contiguous connection of different situations or different fragments of the same situation. The metaphoric strategy provides for the similarities revealed between the situations. The study concludes that irrational vocabulary in the Ukrainian, English and German languages apply more to the componential, implicative and metaphorical strategies, which provides for the priority of the inter-concept relations in the languages.
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