The present study is devoted to the investigation of the main types of communicative behaviour in the Ukrainian political linguoculture. In the institutional political discourse types of communicative behaviour might be qualified as markers of status and the most powerful manipulative determinants. Its identification can only be made by deep analysis of manipulative metastrategies, tactics, and cognitive scenarios. The use of manipulative metastrategies and tactics in the institutional political discourse demonstrates that knowledge, emotions, and will of the addressee are being operated. Manipulative metastrategies and tactics are called to implement and realize the communicative goals and intentions of the I-speaker-politician. The classification of manipulative metastrategies and tactics proposed in this paper is processed in the framework of cognitive scenarios of their deployment. According to it, politicians could be attributed with conflict, conflict-neutral, conflict-cooperative, and cooperative-conflict types of communicative behaviour. The conflict type is represented by Yu. Tymoshenko. P. Poroshenko shows a conflict-cooperative type. The cooperative-conflict can be distinguished in V. Yanukovych. And V. Yushchenko has a conflict-neutral type of communicative behaviour.
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