Słowa kluczowe: athlete, martial arts, Department, institution of higher education, educational program


The aim of this paper is to study the peculiarities of training sumo coaches. The article discusses the features of training sumo coaches, analyzes the regulatory documents regulating the training, certification and advanced training of coaches, studies the state of staffing in sumo and its dynamics over the past 5 years in Ukraine. It was found that despite the fact that the number of sumo coaches increased by 30%, there remains a shortage of staffing in this sport, since the number of sumo athletes increases annually and there are an average of 20 athletes per coach, while the recommended number of athletes should be from 14 to 6 people, depending on the stage of long-term training of athletes. Therefore, there is an objective need for training sumo coaches in specialized institutions of higher education. The training of sumo coaches is carried out in the framework of educational programs for the training of coaches in martial arts. 75% of the interviewed applicants for higher education – future coaches in martial arts are satisfied with their chosen profession, which indicates their responsible attitude to the choice of profession and the high quality of education in the institution of higher education where they study.

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