Słowa kluczowe: interactive catalog of computer tools, mathematics lesson, levels of interactivity, structural stages of the lesson, didactic purpose of the lesson, the Grades 5-9; electronic teaching aids


The article analyzes the classification of types of lessons in didactics and, in particular, types of lessons in mathematics. Mathematics lessons are divided into five types: a lesson of presenting new knowledge; a lesson of consolidation of the studied material, in particular, a lesson of formation of skills and abilities; a lesson of repetition, systematization, and generalization of the studied; knowledge testing and assessment lesson and combined lesson. You can get a computer tool for each type of the lesson and, accordingly, for its purpose and its structural elements. Despite of the modern information space is sufficiently filled with a variety of computer tools, it is important for teachers to quickly determine which tool is right for a particular type of lesson. We propose to divide computer learning tools into three levels of interactivity: I level of interactivity – reactive interaction; II level of interactivity – active interaction; III level of interactivity – mutual interaction. The experience of teachers is analyzed and it is established at which structural stages of the lesson teachers use different computer tools, we offer a classification of computer teaching aids depending on the level of interactivity and type of lesson. The positive experience of the interactive catalog of computer tools developed and implemented by us in the lessons of mathematics confirmed our assumption that for each type of lesson a corresponding computer tool of different levels of interactivity is selected.

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