The metrics of the European University Association and indicators of other organizations (UK Committee of University Chairs, Teaching Excellence Framework) have been analyzed in the article. Leading international rankings (Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings, Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), QS World University Rankings, THE Impact Rankings, THE Europe Teaching Rankings) have been investigated in order to determine the main indicators of higher education institutions. National metrics and indicators have been studied (rating “Top 200 Ukraine 2020”, the formula for the distribution of expenditures under the article “Training of freelancers and ensuring the activities of their bases of practice” for 2020). The approaches and views of domestic and foreign researchers on the problem of efficiency in the field of higher education have been clarified. As a result of the analysis, the urgency of the problem of finding adequate mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of higher education institutions in Ukraine have been proved. Based on the study, a system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of higher education institutions in Ukraine in terms of organizational, academic, research and financial / economic components have been suggested.
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