The world community has a well-founded concern about anthropogenic pollution and the danger to human health it poses. An important role in increasing the incidence of ecologically polluted areas belongs to the exposure to anthropogenic toxins, certain socio-economic conditions, lifestyle, the presence of bad habits and the nature of human nutrition, and, in particular, the interaction of these risk factors. The effect of various endogenous factors in modern socio-ecological conditions on the human body is diagnostically manifested in the form of functional shifts in the parameters of oral fluid, which are mainly adaptive-compensatory in nature. The microelement composition of biological fluids reflects the total amount of toxic substances received from the environment, which is why it is an indicator of the impact anthropogenic pollution and can be a test object in the ecological and analytical monitoring of micronutrients. The level of macro- and micronutrients and the immunoglobulin status of the altered picture reflects the state of the oral cavity local immunity, internal organs and the human environment, because the indicator, reflecting the physical status, can use the signaling system in pathological homeostasis. The most common cause of decreased body resistance is adverse long-term exogenous factors that have a pronounced effect on both the immune system and the local immunity of the oral cavity, and the trace element composition of mixed saliva can be regarded as parameters of local resistance of the oral cavity.
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