The latest developments of modern methods of high-speed gear milling of large-module cylindrical gears, both for preliminary grinding of teeth and for final blade processing of gears, are considered. For high-speed blade gear processing, promising designs of worm carbide cutters have been developed, manufactured and implemented. The technological regulations of blade gear processing for the operation of each of the design solutions of worm carbide cutters have been developed. The design of a special double-body worm cutter for double-sided cutting has been developed. It is shown that the carbide cutting elements of the milling cutters, which are placed only along the lines of the machine engagement of the tool and the workpiece, make it more economical compared to the known designs of similar tools. The application of the developed technological methods of pre-blade processing of the teeth of hardened wheels with carbide cutters reduces the labor intensity of low-performance gear grinding operations, depending on the wheel module, by 3-4 times by reducing the allowance from 1.5–2.5 mm on the tooth side to 0.3–0.5 mm, and also allows you to ensure the gear processing process is economical by reducing the consumption of carbide plates. The developed technological studies of ensuring the quality of gear processing of large-module cylindrical wheels allow us to solve the scientific and technical problem associated with the production of large-module gears with high-hardness teeth while improving the quality of their manufacture, reducing labor costs and reducing material consumption.
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