Słowa kluczowe: judge`s discourse, coercion, discursive personality, manifest power, metacommunitive, communicative specificity


This study sheds light on the judge`s discourse from the point of coerciveness. In the course of a trial, a judge forms a pattern of discursive behaviour. This pattern is fundamentally different from the patterns of discursive behaviour of other litigants. This is possible, because inter alia, the implementation of discursive behaviour is carried out with the help of specific linguistic means. Their choice is determined by the judge's pragmatic orientation for the optimal achievement of the goal in the context of social interaction. Thus, all of the above suggests that the functions performed by the discursive personality of the judge, who manifests power to exercise control over the judicial process, determine the specificity of judge`s discourse as coercive.

This piece of research has theoretical and practical value. We can stress the importance of the value of our paper in its original analysis of the speech behaviour of such discursive personalities as judge as well as analysis of the judge`s discourse as a coercive type.

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