Słowa kluczowe: functional state, cardiorespiratory system, preparatory period, football players aged 15-17, training process, experimental program


The optimal form of organization of the training process, taking into account current trends in football, can ensure the achievement of the appropriate level of training of players and high sports results. Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the experimental program of the training process of football players aged 15-17 in the preparatory period of the annual macrocycle to improve their functional prepqredness in preparation for the competitive season. Material and methods of the study: the study involved 29 football players aged 15-17 years, who are engaged in this type of sports games at the stage of specialized basic training. Results: it is shown that the use of the traditional program for the preparatory period of the annual training cycle in the training process did not significantly improve the level of their overall functional preparedness, namely: by the end of the training season they showed a significant improvement only in heart rate (by 9%), hypoxia index (by 13%) and the cardio-vascular system functional state level (9%). Changes in other indicators were not statistically significant and ranged from only 2% to 10%. On the contrary, the introduction in the preparatory period of the annual macrocycle of the proposed program to build the training process of football players aged 15-17 contributed to significant positive changes in their overall functional preparedness: by the end of the study the experimental group had significant positive changes by 8-70% compared to the original data. It should be noted that at the end of the preparatory period for the players of the experimental group were characterized by significantly higher than in the control group, the rate of reduction of functional stress (by 15-20%), increased adaptive capacity (by 50%), their body's resistance to hypoxia (by 15%), as well as increasing the cardio-vascular system functional state level by 5%, and the external breathing system functional state level by 18%. Conclusions: the obtained results testified to the high efficiency of the experimental program of building the training process of football players aged 15-17 in the preparatory period of the annual macrocycle.

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