Słowa kluczowe: exogenous melatonin, fibrinolytic activity, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, enucleation, heart tissues


The aim of our scientific work was to study the effect of exogenous melatonin on the indicators of fibrinolytic processes in the heart tissues and to analyze the changes in fibrinolytic activity occurring in the heart tissues of enucleated hyper- and hypothyroid white rats. The experiments were carried out on white nonlinear male rats weighing 0.12-0.14 kg. 4 experimental groups of animals were formed. The control group consisted of 11 normothyroid rats, which were injected with a melatonin solution in appropriate volumes. The animals were euthanized under light ether anesthesia. Samples of the examined heart tissue were ground in a glass homogenizer with borate buffer (pH 9.0). The homogenate was used in biochemical analysis. Determination of the total, enzymatic and non-enzymatic fibrinolytic activity (TFA, EFA, NFA, respectively) in the heart tissues was carried out by the method of azofibrin lysis (LLC "Simko", Ukraine). Statistical processing of the results was carried out by the method of variation statistics using the Student's test. Experimental studies on nonlinear male white rats have shown that the introduction of exogenous melatonin, as well as modeling the conditions of endogenous melatonin overproduction by blinding (enucleation) cause an increase in the intensity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic fibrinolysis in heart tissue in normotyroid animals. At other hand, enucleation causes an increase in the intensity of fibrinolysis in the tissues of the heart in hypothyroid rats, but not in hyperthyroid.

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