This scientific work focuses on the terminology of translation studies, namely on its semantic and structural characteristics. The study of translation terminology in English, analysis of the structure and semantics of terms, knowledge of their synonyms and variants is not only theoretical but also practical interest in developing the abilities of specialists in the field of translation theory and practice. The material of the study was the types of semantic relations in the terminological system (monosyllabic terms and terminological phrases), selected from indexes to textbooks and books on translation theory, written by European authors such as Jeremy Mandy, Mary-Snell Hornby, Alessandra Rickardi Encyclopedia of Translation Studies 2005 and 2009 edited by Mona Baker and edited by Mona Baker and Gabriel Saldana, respectively. Definitional analysis allowed to identify the types of semantic relations in the terminological system, selected by the method of continuous sampling; the selection criterion was the presence of a textual definition, historical method. The study of terminological vocabulary sometimes touches on aspects that are inaccessible to traditional semantic analysis, hence the need for a cognitive approach. Terms express concepts that relate to any field of human activity or human knowledge, they are combined into a terminology system that reflects the system of knowledge in the field of translation studies. Representation of this system of knowledge is impossible only within the framework of traditional semantic analysis, in particular, as types of terminological fields. A broader view requires the use of a cognitive approach, which makes it possible to present a broad cognitive basis for the mechanisms of knowledge accumulation, processing, storage and presentation as cognitive models. The aim of this work is a comprehensive study of the mechanisms of lexical units that form the types of semantic connections in English translation terminology.
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