Słowa kluczowe: professional self-actualization, students-psychologists, crisis, professional readiness, factor analysis.


The article is devoted to the problem of psychology students professional selfactualization, who are experiencing a crisis of professional readiness. The theoretical model of professional self-actualization based on scientific and theoretical analysis is highlighted, such factors as: emotional-volitional, cognitive, reflexive, physiological-somatic, social interaction are shown. The article presents the results of an empirical study of professional self-actualization and manifestations of a professional readiness crisis among future psychologists. Using a factor analysis, a model of psychology students professional actualization was formed, which includes the following factors: "Distress symptoms of future psychologists due to frustration of needs and impossibility of fulfilling own existence", "Emotional burnout as a manifestation of the professional readiness crisis of future psychologists", "Personal features as a factor of communicative and epistemological self-actualization of psychology students", "Emotional background as a factor of psychology students self-actualization", "Locus of control as a factor of practical psychologists self-actualization in the profession and personal life", "Self-esteem as a determinant of self-actualization of psychology students", "The psychologist's appearance as an indicator of his existential fullness", "Motivation as a factor of psychology students selfactualization", "Informal education as a significant factor of self-actualization of the future psychologist", "The presence of clear professional plans as an indicator of the realization of a future psychologist during studying" and "Lack of professional experience as a basis for the emergence of professional inferiority and anxiety feelings".

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