The article comprehensively investigates the phenomenon of internationality of the sublanguage of theatre and establishes intra- and extra-linguistic differences between etymologically related German and Ukrainian theatre terms. As a result of the culturally specific semantic and stylistic evolution in the bosom of a particular national carrier language and national theatre terminology, the semantic structures of theatre terms have been enriched with additional non-international meanings. Comparison of the internal side of the studied vocabulary allows us to divide it into two large groups: complete and partial interlingual homonyms. To complete interlingual terminological homonyms we refer four types of divergence: homopairs that have no formal equivalents in German or Ukrainian theatre language, but have such equivalents in other terminologies or spheres; terminopairs whose members, having a similar internal form, denote different reference spheres in different branches of theatre; homonymous term groups formed as a result of intra-linguistic homonymy or paronymy in German; pairs of complete interlingual homonyms containing the most general common seme, which is realised in different ways in each formal equivalent. Partial interlingual terminological homonyms include formally parallel etymologically related units, at least one of the terminological meanings of which refers to the same referential sphere, while the other(s) do not coincide.
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